Dental Implants Richardson

Applying Modern Techniques for Tooth Replacement

Dentist showing a patient a model of dental implants in Richardson

Traditional dentures and bridges are capable of replacing missing teeth, but because they only restore the visible surface of teeth, they don’t always meet the aesthetic and functional expectations that patients have. Dental implants in Richardson are able to replace both roots and biting surfaces of any number of teeth, allowing for a lifelike look and feel that patients feel happy with. Our team at the Richardson Oral Surgery Center welcomes referrals from general dentists as well as individual patients who would like to schedule their own consultation to learn more about the treatment.

Why Choose Richardson Oral Surgery Center for Dental Implants?

  • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology for Precise Placement
  • Member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry
  • Complimentary Exam, X-Ray & CBCT Scan

What Are Dental Implants?

Illustrated dental implant being placed into the lower jaw

Dental implants are small posts made of biocompatible materials, like titanium, that are surgically placed below the gumline and into the jawbone to restore the roots of missing teeth. Due to their biocompatibility, they fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration, providing a strong and unwavering foundation for any type of prostheses to be attached to. The result is custom-crafted replacement teeth that serve both aesthetic and functional purposes.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Dentist showing a patient x rays of their teeth

Over his 20 years of experience, Dr. Ahn has placed over 10,000 dental implants and has completed countless hours of advanced education and specialized training. Because of this, he has created a streamlined, yet personalized, process that allows patients to get the most convenient, quality care. Typically, each treatment will include these four main steps:

  • An initial consultation, which includes a thorough examination by Dr. Ahn and discussion of what your treatment plan will look like.
  • Dental implant surgery is conducted in-house. Dr. Ahn will precisely insert the dental implants into the jawbone to support either a free-standing dental crown, bridge, or full denture.
  • In the following three to six months after your surgery, you’ll undergo a healing process and osseointegration, which is where your dental implants will fuse with the jawbone. Once this is complete, we’ll secure small attachments to the tops of your implants, called abutments.
  • Finally, you’ll return to your general dentist who will attach your final restoration to your dental implants to complete your smile!

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dentist showing a dental implant model to a patient
  • Restored Bite Power. Dental implants are unique in the fact that they’re able to restore most of your original bite force. This means that you’ll be able to eat virtually all of the foods that you could with your original teeth.
  • Easy Maintenance. You take care of your implant restorations just like you would your natural teeth, resulting in minimal change to your daily routine. Simply brush daily, floss daily, and visit your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings.
  • Long Lifespan. With good hygiene, dental implants in Richardson have been shown to last for over 35 years.
  • Lifelike Appearance & Function. Enjoy a massive confidence boost with replacement teeth that are fully functional and look lifelike.
  • Preserved Jawbone Density. Because dental implants fuse with the jawbone, they’re able to stimulate the bone to keep it from eroding with time, like what would happen if you opted for a traditional restoration.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

While there are certain situations in which dental implants may not be the ideal answer, many tooth loss cases in Richardson can be addressed with this leading-edge solution. In fact, it’s so versatile, it’s able to restore any number of missing teeth. Below are some of the treatment avenues that we may take to rebuild your smile.

Missing One Tooth

Illustrated dental crown being fitted onto a dental implant

To replace a single tooth, we wouldn’t need to alter your existing dental structure. Instead, we could place one dental implant in the space in your arch and attach a free-standing dental crown to it. This will complete your smile as well as reduce your chances of risking further tooth loss.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Illustrated dental bridge being fitted onto two dental implants

To replace multiple individual teeth either in a row or throughout your smile, we can place an implant bridge and/or implant crowns. The implant bridge will be secured to two dental implants placed at either side of a gap in your smile left by two or more teeth. These will anchor the restoration into place so your natural teeth won’t have to.

Missing All of Your Teeth

Illustrated full denture being fitted onto four dental implants

Dr. Ahn offers both traditional implant dentures as well as All-On-4 dental implants in Richardson. Traditional implant dentures are secured within the mouth using anywhere from four to eight dental implants, while All-On-4 utilizes only four implant posts that are strategically placed in the densest areas of the jawbone. This reduces the need for preparatory procedures like bone grafts.

Learn More About Implant Dentures

Learn More About All-On-4

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Woman at consultation with dental team member

Every dental implant treatment that we complete is custom-tailored to meet each patient’s individual needs. This means that each aspect of your surgery will be designed around your unique situation, like how many dental implants you need to have placed and whether you require preparatory treatments. Because of this, the cost of dental implants in Richardson can vary. You can learn more about these factors below.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

Oral surgeon holding a dental implant right before placing it in patient

Patients that have certain facial anatomies or that have been missing teeth for quite some time may require preparatory treatments to make sure that their dental implant procedure is successful. These can include bone grafts, sinus lifts, or other surgical treatments that will be a separate cost apart from the dental implant surgery itself.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

Dentist placing a crown on a dental implant model

Dental implants come in different shapes, sizes, and can be crafted from different materials. Each of these factors can also impact the cost of your dental implant procedure, depending on what options you opt for. Dr. Ahn will discuss these details with you during your consultation, ensuring you understand the pros and cons for each as they relate to your situation, and tailoring your dental implants to meet your needs.

Final Dental Implant Restoration

Illustration of dental implant being placed in lower jaw

This aspect of your dental implant treatment will likely be discussed in greater detail with your general dentist, as they will be having your restoration crafted by a dental laboratory. Depending on how many teeth you’re missing, you may need a crown, bridge, or denture. Typically, the larger the restoration, the more costly it is.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Reading glasses resting on dental insurance paperwork

While some dental insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost of your overall treatment, it’s rarely if ever the case that they will cover it completely. Because of this, we recommend that patients either have the funds together to pay for the treatment, or that they have financing organized. Our team is happy to help you submit insurance claims and navigate your benefits, so don’t hesitate to contact us with any cost-related questions you may have.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

Smiling man shaking hands with person sitting across table

If you need help accessing third-party financing or filing insurance claims with your provider, our team will be happy to assist you to make sure you’re able to afford your treatment.

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Smiling man sitting in dental chair

Dental implants boast an incredible success rate of 98% after five years of placement; however, if you have habits or conditions that could put you at a greater risk of failure, like gum disease and smoking, it’s crucial for you to keep an eye out for signs of failure. In these cases, Dr. Ahn and our team can help salvage your new and hard-earned smile. Simply give us a call to schedule an examination.

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Dental Implant FAQs

Can I Take Implant Dentures Out?

Most designs of implant dentures are made to stay permanently affixed within the mouth, only being able to be removed by a dentist. This not only makes them feel and function like natural, but it also means you won’t have to worry about soaking them in water when you sleep or removing them to clean them.

Do Dental Implants Feel Natural?

A key difference that separates dental implants from traditional tooth replacement treatments is that they restore the roots of the missing teeth as well as the biting surface. This leads to natural-looking and feeling results.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Although dental implants become popularized more recently, this treatment has decades of clinical research behind it that proves that it’s both an effective and safe way to replace missing teeth. In fact, studies have shown that after 10 years of placement, 95% of patients are able continue enjoying successful results.

At your initial consultation with Dr. Ahn, he will also discuss risk factors with you that could impact your treatment’s success. For example, if you have gum disease, diabetes, or have experienced jawbone deterioration, or you’re a smoker, these can all impact your final results by increasing your risk of dental implant failure. With that being said, our team will make sure to discuss these factors in detail with you so you can have successful results!

Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?

Implant restorations are crafted from artificial materials that look lifelike. This means that they can’t get cavities. However, without good dental hygiene, it is possible for gum infections to develop. This is why you’ll want to stay on top of your at-home oral hygiene routine and schedule your bi-annual checkups and cleanings with your general dentist.

Are Dental Implants an Eligible FSA Expense?

Dental implants are typically eligible for FSA reimbursement because the treatment is classified as restorative in nature and can improve dental health. However, you’ll want to keep in mind that many FSAs cap off how much money you’re able to use each year, so our team will be happy to help you coordinate your treatment to maximize your coverage.