Sedation Dentist Richardson

Taking the Stress Out of Oral Surgery

Sedation dentist adjusting an I V on the arm of a patient

Your comfort is our top priority while you’re in the treatment chair. That’s why we offer multiple sedation dentistry methods so you remain relaxed during your procedure. We also have an in-house anesthesiologist to offer both IV and general sedation for more extensive procedures. To learn more about our options for sedation dentistry in Richardson, please call our office directly or ask us any questions you may have at your initial consultation with Dr. Ahn.

Why Choose Richardson Oral Surgery Center for Sedation Dentistry?

  • On-Site IV Sedation & General Anesthesia
  • A Professional, Highly Trained Oral Surgery Team
  • We Partner with Referring Doctors & Dentists

IV Sedation

Dental team member adjusting the I V on the arm of a patient

IV sedation is one of the strongest methods of conscious dental sedation, which means you’ll be able to respond to our requests and questions throughout your treatment. We often recommend it for patients who are severely anxious or scared of their upcoming procedure, or for those needing multiple smaller treatments performed at once.

When you arrive at our office, our team will help get you comfortable in the treatment chair while our in-house anesthesiologist administers a fast-acting sedative directly into your blood stream. This will make you feel nearly immediately relaxed and sleepy. In most cases, our patients aren’t able to remember any details of their appointment if they receive IV sedation.

Because the medication administered through your IV is very strong, you’ll need to spend the rest of the day at home, resting. It’s important that you have a trusted friend or family member planning to take care of you following your surgery as well.

General Anesthesia/Sleep Dentistry

Hand adjusting an I V bag

For more extensive surgical procedures, we also offer in-house general anesthesia administered by our licensed anesthesiologist. This will completely render you unconscious, eliminating your ability to feel any pain throughout your procedure. Because it does this, you’ll be intubated to help control your breathing. Upon coming out of anesthesia, you’ll likely feel disoriented and your throat may feel dry, but our team will provide whoever will be caring for you with instructions to help you feel more comfortable as you rest.