Tooth Extractions Richardson

Expert Tooth Removal for Best Results

Wooden clasp taking a tooth out of row of wooden teeth

While dentists often try to do what they can to preserve natural teeth, in some situations, a tooth extraction may be necessary to preserve the health of the rest of your smile. In these cases, Dr. Ahn and his team at Richardson Oral Surgery Center can help. Plus, you can come back to us for your dental implant placement if you opt to restore your extracted tooth with a natural-looking restoration! Call our office today to schedule your tooth extraction in Richardson or reach out to refer your patient to our practice. 


Why Choose Richardson Oral Surgery Center for Tooth Extractions?

  • 20+ Years of Oral Surgery Experience
  • A Knowledgeable & Friendly Team
  • IV Sedation Available for Your Comfort

When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Close up of person wincing and touching their cheek

Tooth extractions are typically only recommended in situations where a tooth or multiple teeth aren’t able to be adequately restored or salvaged through other treatment methods, like a dental crown or filling. Here are some of the instances in which removing a tooth may be recommended:

  • Severe dental decay that cannot be repaired with a dental filling.
  • Infection that has spread to the roots of the tooth and is at risk of spreading to surrounding teeth.
  • Advanced gum disease that has caused jawbone loss and resulted in a tooth becoming loose.
  • A baby tooth that won’t fall out on its own.
  • Impaction that has trapped a tooth below the gumline.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Dental clasps holding an extracted tooth

Depending on your unique situation, you may require one of two different types of tooth extractions in Richardson. Simple extractions are recommended for teeth that are fully erupted above the gumline. Dr. Ahn will gently elevate them out of their socket and wiggle them free of any connective tissues, allowing them to easily be removed from the gumline.

In situations where a tooth hasn’t fully emerged past the gumline, a surgical extraction will likely be required, even if it has partially erupted. This is conducted just like a simple tooth extraction, but a small window will need to be created in the gumline to access the actual tooth, and dental sedation will likely be needed.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Woman in dental chair pointing to her smile

After your tooth extraction, our team will provide you and whoever will be looking after you with post-operative instructions to ensure you make a speedy and complication-free recovery. Here are some of our general aftercare practices:

  • Take any prescribed medications as instructed or use over-the-counter pain relievers to help soothe your discomfort.
  • Gently brush around the surgical site, being sure to avoid making direct contact with it.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water after 24 hours to keep the surgical site clean, being careful not to spit the salt water out (instead, just let it run out of your mouth).
  • Stay hydrated and rest, keeping your head propped on a pillow when you sleep.
  • Avoid drinking from a straw.
  • Use a cold compress on your cheek to reduce swelling.
  • Stick to a soft diet as instructed.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extractions

Man and woman shaking hands from across table

Because there are multiple different types of tooth extractions, the cost of your procedure will be determined once our team has had a chance to outline your treatment plan and examine your mouth. We’ll provide you with a detailed estimate, as well as go over any financing options and answer questions you may have.

Factors That Can Affect Tooth Extraction Cost

Smiling woman holding an extracted tooth

Some of the factors that will impact the cost of your tooth extraction in Richardson include:

  • Whether oral surgery is required or a simple extraction can be completed.
  • The number of teeth you need to have extracted.
  • The location of the tooth or teeth that you’re having extracted.
  • If you require dental sedation (IV sedation), or just need local anesthesia.
  • If you are replacing the tooth you’re extracting with a dental implant.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Tooth Extractions?

Reading glasses resting on dental insurance paperwork

Once your deductible has been met, dental insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost of your procedure (typically around 50%, depending on your benefits). If you’ve exceeded your annual maximum, which is the maxed-out amount that your insurance company has agreed to pay out for treatments in a year, you’ll need to be prepared to pay a larger out-of-pocket cost. Our team at Richardson Oral Surgery Center is happy to help you navigate your plan and file claims on your behalf to maximize your coverage.

How to Make Tooth Extractions Affordable

Smiling man shaking hands with person across desk

Our experienced team is happy to help you navigate your insurance and financing options after your consultation. We’ll do our best to maximize your benefits and minimize any out-of-pocket expenses so you can get the care you need.

Tooth Extraction FAQs

Do Tooth Extractions Hurt?

Dr. Ahn will make sure that your treatment is as comfortable as possible by either administering a local anesthetic to the extraction site, numbing it completely, or placing you under sedation. In any case, one of our top priorities is our patients’ comfort. You may feel a bit of tenderness following your extraction, but this can typically be managed with an over-the-counter pain medication and by following the aftercare instructions we provide you with. If you experience any symptoms that are out-of-the-ordinary or don’t get better with time, please give us a call right away.

Do I Need to Replace a Tooth That Has Just Been Extracted?

If you needed a severely damaged or compromised tooth extracted, replacing it as soon as possible following your procedure is usually one of the best decisions you can make for your long-term dental health. Whether you opt for a traditional restoration from your general dentist or a lifelike dental implant-retained restoration, you won’t regret restoring your full set of teeth.

Will I Need to Prepare for My Tooth Extraction?

Towards the end of your consultation, our team will provide you with detailed pre-operative instructions to prepare you for your procedure. These can vary depending on whether you’ll need a simple or surgical tooth extraction in Richardson. We’ll also prescribe any necessary medications before your treatment so you can pick them up ahead of time.

Is Getting a Tooth Extraction Risky?

Tooth extractions are very safe, common dental procedures. With that being said, every medical and dental treatment comes with risks because every patient is different. Some complications that can arise include dry socket and infection. However, these can be prevented by following our post-operative instructions and maintaining good dental hygiene following your extraction.