Implant Dentures Richardson
The Best in Stability, Strength & Style

If you haven’t invested in traditional dentures because you just don’t feel they’re the right choice for you, you may consider looking into implant dentures in Richardson. Dr. Ahn uses the latest oral surgery techniques and technology to help you achieve the best possible aesthetic and practical results. In this case, it means replacement teeth that don’t slip or shift when you’re talking, laughing, or trying to eat! Learn more about how our team at Richardson Oral Surgery Center can help restore your smile to its original appearance with this advanced treatment by scheduling an implant denture consultation.
What Are Implant Dentures?

Implant dentures combine custom-crafted dental prosthetics with dental implants, which are small, titanium posts that are surgically inserted below the gumline and into the jawbone. These replace the roots of missing teeth and act as a foundation for your dentures to be attached to, ultimately providing results that are virtually indistinguishable in every way from your natural teeth.
Fixed / Permanent Implant Dentures

A permanent implant denture is designed and secured within the mouth so it stays in place at all times. The only time it can be taken out is by your dentist. Typically, it’s secured to anywhere between four and eight implant posts.
Removable Implant Dentures

Although less common, implant dentures can also be designed to be removable. This allows you to take them out of your mouth yourself, just like you would be able to with traditional dentures. They usually don’t require as many implant posts as fixed implant dentures.
The Implant Denture Process

Just like with any other dental implant treatment, your implant denture journey will begin with an in-depth consultation and evaluation with Dr. Ahn. Our team will go over your medical and oral health history, capture images of your mouth, and help you determine whether implant dentures in Richardson are right for you. Dr. Ahn will then surgically place the necessary number of implant posts within the jawbone to anchor your denture in place. Over the next three to six months, your implants will fuse with your jawbone and your gums will heal. Finally, you’ll return to your general dentist to secure your replacement teeth to your implants.
Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

While it is necessary to meet some baseline requirements to make you a good candidate for implant dentures, most patients are usually able to go through with this treatment due to its versatility. If you don’t have enough jawbone density right away, or your sinuses may complicate your implant surgery, Dr. Ahn offers several preliminary treatments to prepare you for a successful procedure. Our team can help complete your bone graft, sinus lift, or gum graft to make you a good candidate for implant dentures.
Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

- No Slipping or Shifting: Because your dentures will be anchored within the mouth by dental implants, you won’t have to worry about them slipping or shifting when you try to eat or talk.
- Natural Looking & Feeling Results: Your replacement teeth won’t just look natural, they’ll also function effortlessly and effectively, as they’ll be anchored within your mouth just like your natural teeth.
- Long Lifespan: With good hygiene and routine dental cleanings, your implant dentures can last for over 35 years.
- Versatile Treatment Options: Whether you opt for fixed or removable implant dentures, you get to choose the option that’s right for your individual needs.
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