Wisdom Tooth Extractions Richardson

Prevent Future Dental Problems with Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Dental x ray with the wisdom teeth highlighted red

Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are the last teeth to grow in the mouth, usually erupting between 16 and 25 years old. While some patients may not have any wisdom teeth, others can have one, two, three, or four of them. While it’s not always necessary to extract these third molars, in many cases, doing so can help prevent future dental complications, like tumors, cysts, and crowding. Call our office today to schedule your consultation for wisdom tooth extractions in Richardson!


Why Choose Richardson Oral Surgery Center for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

  • Oral Surgery Dentist with 20+ Years of Experience
  • Convenient Saturday Appointment Times Available
  • State-of-the-Art Technology & Comfort


What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Illustration of impacted wisdom tooth pressing against adjacent molar

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to erupt in the very back of the mouth. They got their name because they have come to symbolize a rite of passage of the transition from teenage-hood into adulthood. Many patients first begin noticing their eruption because they experience dental discomfort or soreness in the back of their mouth.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Illustration of impacted wisdom tooth pushing against adjacent tooth

It’s not always necessary for wisdom teeth to be removed. However, in many cases, they can pose more of a threat to your dental health than good by resulting in the following potential complications:

  • Dental and jaw pain
  • Cysts
  • Infections
  • Increased risk of dental health problems like decay
  • Misalignment due to not having enough room in the mouth to accommodate them

What to Expect from the Wisdom Teeth Extraction Procedure

Dental clasps in front of x ray showing impacted wisdom tooth

If your wisdom teeth are impacted, a surgical procedure would be necessary to remove the entire teeth. Dr. Ahn will create an opening in the gumline, and if necessary, separate the teeth into smaller pieces so they’re easier to remove.

For wisdom teeth that have already erupted through the gumline and are completely visible, our team can gently shift them from their sockets and remove them from the mouth using a dental elevator and forceps.

Recovering from Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Smiling man sitting in dental chair

There are a few important aftercare instructions that are crucial for you to follow to minimize your risk of dry socket after your procedure. These include:

  • Don’t drink from a straw or spit.
  • Take any prescribed medications as directed.
  • Maintain a soft diet for the recommended time.
  • Avoid physical exertion.
  • Control bleeding by placing sterile gauze over the extraction site.
  • Use a cold compress to control the swelling.
  • Call our office if you experience worsening symptoms or pain.

Understanding the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Dental team member showing a clipboard to a patient

The cost of wisdom tooth extractions in Richardson can vary drastically from patient to patient. Your treatment will be planned around a number of factors that will be unique to your case, like how many wisdom teeth you have and whether they’re impacted. We’ll provide you with a detailed cost estimate at your initial consultation so you know exactly what to expect before scheduling your procedure.

Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Dental team member showing a patient where to sign on a clipboard

There are three primary factors that will determine the cost of your wisdom tooth extraction:

  1. How many wisdom teeth you have can make your treatment longer or shorter as well as more or less expensive. Our team will let you alert you to how many you need to have removed at your consultation.
  2. Whether you require a simple or surgical extraction will depend on if your wisdom teeth are impacted below the gumline. Typically, simple extractions are much less complicated and don’t require sedation, while surgical extractions can take longer.
  3. If you require dental sedation, this service will incur a separate fee, affecting the overall cost of your extraction.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

Dental insurance form on desk

While most dental insurance plans will cover at least a small portion of the cost of wisdom tooth extractions, it’s likely that you’ll have out-of-pocket expenses. Our team can help you get the most out of your benefits by assisting you in filing any insurance claims and also walking you through your financing options.